Please pay tax in advance to avoid any last minute hassle.
Verify the validity of the receipt by sending sms VAHAN <STATE CODE> CP <VEHICLE NO> to 7738299899 (e.g. VAHAN XX CP XXXXXXXXXX)


Select State Name for Tax Payment

Follow these steps to initiate tax payment...
  1. Select the state where you want to go from 'Select State' combo box.
  2. Select service Name from 'Service Name' combo box.
    1. Select 'VEHICLE TAX COLLECTION (OTHER STATE)' in case you do not have NCR permit.
    2. Select 'VEHICLE TAX COLLECTION (NCR)' in case you have NCR permit.
  3. Click 'Go' button to open the vehicle details form.
  4. Enter 'Vehicle No.' and click 'Get Details' button to fill the details.
  5. Fill rest of the fields which are not filled automatically.
  6. In case fields are not filled automatically then enter the details manually.
  7. Click 'Calculate Tax' button to calculate the tax according to state notification.
  8. Click 'Pay Tax' button to pay the calculated tax.
  9. It opens the payment gateway of VAHAN.
  10. Choose payment gateway and click on 'Continue' button.
  11. And then follow the screen to pay tax.
  12. After paying tax bank will redirect to the Checkpost application.
  13. In case payment is success Checkpost application will generate the success receipt.
  14. Print the receipt.